Monday, June 8, 2015




"TOWARDS OUR RADIANT FUTURE" - Former President of Burkina Faso, Thomas Sankara

Our unity in sisterhood, brotherhood, and struggle is profound, principled and forever. Our Struggle is constantly and continuously against our oppressors and against all is us which is in contradiction to our values and the choice we've made. We choose the liberation of our people as our life's goal, and struggle as a method to achieve it. Our choice is conscious, full and free and we accept all risks and welcome all rewards it brings. We have nothing better, more revolutionary or rewarding to do with our lives than to struggle to bring into being a new world, a world in which we, our children and our people can live, love and create freely and stand and walk in a warmer sun.
NOTE: Us Organization Pledge of Allegiance to our People and Struggle

Black - for our people everywhere, the first and most global people on the planet
Red - For the Righteous Struggle we wage for a higher level of life, and the blood our ancestors have shed, and that our enemies will.
Green - Represents our Future, Youth, and New Ideas which will guide us towards achieving our collective goals and aspirations.
Symbol of Ma'at - in middle of bendera, representing Unifying Value System

The mission of engaging a Cultural Revolution among People of African Descent, must begin with a pro-active definition of our collective identity, purpose and direction as a Pan African Community. Further, such purpose shall be defined by our common quest to restore and re-construct a Global African Village based on common views and values, common theories and paradigms, common vision of the world we wish for our children, and a common practice which seeks to transform our current social reality into one in which African people are empowered to realize their fullest potential, as free, proud and productive people.

To Organize competent, conscious and capable cadre, who have the capacity to harness the natural, human and material resources in African Communities, globally, in order to direct them in a positive, pro-active, programatic and strategic way, which empowers our people, develops and advances our communities, and which promotes and pursues Our Liberation Struggle and a higher level of life for African Descendant People, everywhere.


1. To Define, Defend and Develop the interests of African People globally, nationally, regionally and locally.
    A. Through it's practical program and platform, the Harambee Plan, the Congress of African People (CAP), identifies several key areas where African peoples interests are defined in outline form. These key areas are: Spirituality, History, Social Organization, Economic Organization, Political Organization, Creative Production, Consciousness Raising, and STEM.
      B. The right to defend our interests by any means necessary is irrefutable and undeniable given our history.
Nuf said!
      C. The Harambee Plan seeks to be a practical formula for unifying and pro-actively developing the common and collective interests of African people, on a global level. The Harambee Plan is a dynamic platform and, thus is a work in progress based on new needs and strategic interests.

2. To Promote and Provide for the Unification of African People on the continent and diaspora. We shall strive for unification in and through the key areas mentioned above. 
      A. The Harambee Plan is the CAP proposal to initiate and effectuate CAP's unification process.  This process will be achieved by forming alliances, collaborations, coalitions, NGO's, consortiums, partnerships and any other forms of institution building which contribute to the achievement of this goal. 
      B. We also seek the building of a Civil Society which we call here, New Africa, in which we seek to unite the diverse communities which make up the Pan African Community. To inhabit this New Africa, we will utilize distant learning modalities to create New African Men and Women, via Consciousness Raising, Cultural Transformation, Value Re-Orientation, Economic Empowerment and STEM Engagement. In this context, we ally with the Friends of the African Union in building their Congresses in accord with the African Union's 2063 Agenda.

3. To be and become good Stewards of the Earth and the bounty, therein. We shall develop good and principled standards and practices of environmental protection, ecology, agriculture, waste management and nutrition.

4. To Engage in the process of building Pan African Communities through Institution Building:
     A. Council of Elders and Queen Mother Circles 
     B. Harambee Women and Men Circles
     C. Simba Wachanga, Pan African Youth Movement and Corps
     D. African Marriage Ceremonies (Arusi) based on African values, customs and tradition, but adjusted to todays' needs and aspirations.
     E. Funary Services which are cost effecient, yet represent the best of African tradition.
      F. Naming Ceremonies, Newborn Whispers, Holidays, Sacred Days which reinforce African  Unification Values of Maat and Nguzo Saba.
      G. Implementation of the Garvey admonition to build and control every Industry which affects our daily life and destiny.
      H. Building Workers Unions, Professional Associations
      I.  In order to maintain connection with African Tribal history, traditions, values and customs, sororities and fraternities should adopt Tribal names, where part of the initiation is learning the history and contributions of said tribes.

5. Harnessing and Catalouging the collective resources of our communities.
       A. Building a database of skilled personnel.
       B. Database of Black Businesses
       C. Building a Reference and Referral Center(s).
       D. Establishing a clearinghouse which sets standards for good business practices and issues seals  of certification based on a grading system. Criteria for certification should include pricing, quality of product, and quality of service.
       E. Trade Marking African Symbols, Rituals, and Art Forms.

6. Re-introduction and Re-enforcement of African Spiritual Values and Ethics as basis for Social and Cultural formation.
        A. The Congress of African People asserts that African based values, such as Virtues of Ma'at and Nguzo Saba (7 Principles of Kwanzaa) form a firm foundation for social justice and social cohesion. This is counterposed to the position of Western theorists who posit that Law is the basis for social cohesion and justice, even when reality dictates and reveals that law can be manipulated to serve the interests of the ruling race-class, at the expense of mass interests.
          B. CAP encourages the study of research of the value structure of each African ethnic group and how to integrate them into new social, geo-political and cultural paradigms via the Evolution through Fusion System.

7. To Expand the Meaning and Practical Effect of the African Renaissance to all African Communities.
          A. The African Renaissance is defined by advances in philosophy, culture, language, governance, economics, health, education, STEM, agriculture, communications, transportation, etc. The key and common element to these advances are the degree to which they improve the quality of life of African people.
           B. Another key challenge of the Renaissance is to increase the capacity of the brain by no less that 10%, consistent with our ability to build pyramids and discover Sirius B without a telescope.  

Our methodology for achieving our mission is to unify the global African Community, inclusive of building indigenous and African centered institutions and industries, a Tri-angular (Africa, the Americas, and Caribbean) based Trade and Commerce system, an African based Monetary System, a corrective writing of our history, African centered paradigms of Education, Health and Collective Concern, Governance, Finance, Agriculture,Science, Technology, Cultural Tourism, Fashion and Design, and our love of and care for the Environment. In essence, all this is to prepare our people to become the New African Men and Women, a goal which our ancestors died, shed tears, sacrificed and prepared us for. In their honor, we set out on this historic and monumental mission. Ashe, Hotep.

The Harambee Project: Pan Africans Engaging Triangular Development on the African Continent and Beyond
by Mwalimu Kabaila on Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 4:46pm
The Harambee Project: Pan Africans Engaging Triangular Development on the African Continent and Beyond

Is a Comprehensive Plan to build institutional structures on the continent of Africa, on land which is autonomous (Like the Vatican and Italy), which would facilitate communications, planning and strategy building, among and between African people and it's broader Diasporan and Global Community.

Developing industries such as Organic Farming, Textile, Coconut Oil, Bamboo and Hemp Manufacturing, African Art, African centered Fashion, Cooperative and Wholistic Healing and Wellness, Patents Procurement, Communications and ways in which triangular(Africa, Africa America, Caribbean/Brazil) development strategies can be implemented in each industry which affects our daily lives and destiny. Protection of indigenous mineral rights and natural resources. Protection of Technology and mineral rights, patents and innovation. Cultural tourism will be inclusive of Resort Facilities and Theme Parks which have cultural, spiritual and educational value. Key to doing International trade in the Global Marketplace, is development of a Business infra-structure, but one based in the African character, and which respects African values and principled tradtions.

A new African currency must be instituted to be administered by Pan African economists, investment specialists and connected to Pan African Banking entities which invite investment portfolios, and which issues loans for Pan African Development and infra-structure projects such as cross continental rail, bridges, road construction, housing, energy companies and airports and small business development.

Curriculum which not only focuses on correcting our history, but which builds, develops and sustains our cultural heritage is such areas a science,technology, engineering, medicine, math, health, governance, education, and ethics/law. Also a practicum which is broad based, and supportive of demographical, sociological, geographical studies needed to formulate development proposals. Roles of Rites of Passage, Council of Elders. Development and Expansion of our own Communications and Media Systems. We must also explore the use of Virtual Universities and Academies, especially to reach remote communities.

This center would focus on the development and preservation of various spiritual and art forms in Africa and the Diaspora, i.e. African yoga, Capeiora, Languages, Dogon, Zulu, Yorubu, Akan. Classes and Promotion of art forms in the areas of dance, music, film, radio, poetry and performing arts, which have African and liberational themes.

development of banking system on the continent and diaspora, which allows our currencies to compete and which lends themselves to investment portfolios which support Pan African development projects.

This venue would be used mostly for training of Pan African sports federations and for integrating continental and diasporan Federations in order to compete in world class events, in every sport we wish. It would also hold World Class Sports events on the African continent. Sports has the capacity to forge unity and can be used as a diplomatic model in building relations among and between our diverse global community.

Offices and Staffing to facilitate each sector of the Congress, e.g. Governance, Economics and Development, Science and Technology, Education, Health, Collective Concern, Transportation, Communications and Propoganda, Security, Food Security, Agriculture, Energy, and the regular convening of Pan African Congresses to address issues of governance and political culture, in countries inhabited by People of African descent.

In recognition of and respect for the fact that Ma'at is the most classical and sustainable form of African spirituality and its tenets permeate mostly all expressions of traditional African spirituality. A key element of the African Renaissance Movement is to promote knowledge and respect of African spiritual tradtions and the role they play in African Restoration and Liberation. Medu Ntr must be studied as a classical language, and by extension, all African languages must be studied and preserved.

ALL ARTIFACTS AND ART STOLEN BY EUROPEAN COLONIALISTS MUST BE RETURNED FORTHWITH!!!! This is a part of Reparations policy. Also, such a museum would recognize the major periods of African peoples history, from Ancient Kemet, Songhai, Mali, Ghana Empires, Timbuktu, Zulu Wars, Mau Mau, Haitian Revolution, Harlem Renaissance, Grenadian Revolution, Ethiopia, Civil Rights Movement, Black Power and Consciousness Movements, Marcus Garvey and the current Pan African Revolution.

Developing modalities and new paradigms of how to use the vast resources and natural wealth of Africa for more humane means. Forums and seminars on how to further utilize science in the advancement of human civilization, as opposed to allowing market trends dictate how science is engaged. Establish modalities for how STEM plays an effective role in community building and cultural advancement and development.


The Simba Movement would be a methodology of engaging with our youth in a pro-active, meaningful and sustainable manner. It is also a re-socialization process utilizing African centered paradigms to teach basic community standards of behavior and conduct. In this regard, Harambee offers the following Rites of Passage Curriculum for the Simba Wachanga:

by Mwalimu Kabaila on Friday,
July 30, 2010 at 2:31pm

The Rites of Passage should address:

1. Developing a Multi-dimensional Personality
a. learning one of the arts - music, art, poetry, architecture, computer arts,
b. learning African centered spirituality and values training - Maat, Ifa, Dogon, Zulu, Akhan, etc.
c. Basic knowledge and understanding of Black History - Kemet, Songhay, Mali,Ghana Reconstruction, Harlem Renaissance, Black Cultural Revolution, Black Arts Movement.
d. Learning 1 or more African Languages or that POD speak

2. Physical development
a. African Martial arts, Kemetic yoga, meditation, capoeira, etc.
b. routine of running, walking, swimming, hiking, bicycling, etc.
c. Survival and Disaster training
d. Team sport can be a substitute in this area

3. Community Orientation
a. Senior escort service
b. youth corp training curriculum and means of implementation - Pan African Youth Corps; Community Alert Patrol for gangs and drugs.
c. participation in political campaigns and/or community organizing
d. Regularly scheduled field trips to museums, zoos, plays, park concerts, drives in the country, hiking, camping, bicycling, planetariums, Expos, Family reunions
e. Learning Enviromental concerns and doing Community Farming
f. Volunteering for the Community Marketplace

4. Basic Education and Tutoring
a. Science, Math, Language, writing skills proficiency
b. basic intro to African languages and encouragement to learn at least one extra language.
c. Science, Math, African centered Architecture, computer technology,
d. Maatian  and Mbongi governance systems
e. Matching Career choices with needs of the Community

5. Social Skills
a. relationship training and orientation with reinforcing rituals
b. sexuality from Afrocentric perspective
c. family skills and orientation
d. Communal principles of building community in contemporary society
e. Health - Learning how Food is our Medicine

[6] Economic Values Orientation
a. how to develop, follow and evaluate a personal budget
b. understanding the importance of a personal savings program
c. practicing collective economic investment and/or wealth-building
d. triangular development (Africa, Caribbean, Africa America and other Diasporan communities)
e. Cooperative Economics orientatation
f. Understanding Micro and Macro Economic and Development Planning

[7] Development of Work Habits and Ethics
a. how to plan, use and assess a personal schedule
b. learning to set and accept responsibility for personal priorities
c. practicing collective decision-making and/or organizing
d. Time Management
e. Physical Work out Regimen

{8} Study Abroad
a. Especially in Africa and the Caribbean

(9) Spiritual Development
a. Maat, Yoruba, Zulu, Akhan, Dogon, etc.
b. wellness, massage, acupuncture, Reiki, meditation

Some of the essential goals and objectives here, in my opinion, should be to establish some community standards and expectations for our youth and establish a system of reward and sanctions that reinforce these, and to institute a type of graduation ceremony with progressive African rituals.

Copyright@ Simbamaat Consultants

Ideally, this Project would operate and function on Land, which was autonomous (much like the Vatican in Italy). This, so it is not partial to any country or region, and is free to address concerns and issues anywhere within the Pan African World, free from the political whims of any particular host government.
Sustainable housing communities could be built around such a compound to house staff and locals needing quality housing. These housing communities would be self sustaining, meaning that they have their own shops, cleaners, community farming, restaurants, movie theaters. Key to this project, is the development of self sustaining industries, of which the most important are Water, Waste and Energy Management. This addition would add a continuous and independent revenue source for the Project, the host community, country and region.
In order to make this project even more attractive and a revenue producing entity, would be to add the Sankofa Theme Park and Isis Spa and Resort. Revenues from these could provide sustainable funding for the cultural center activities.

Next, are 8 Key Areas of Social Space which our people must engage in order to carry out a successful Pan African Cultural Revolution and African Renaissance.The challenge to our Revolutionary Intelligensia is to establish policy, procedures, protocols and programs for how our people and communities, pro-actively engage each of these areas in ways which empower our people to become Active Change Agents of their own Liberation.


1. Economic Affairs
A. Monetary System - currency, banking, finance and Pan African Stock Exchange.
B. Trade, Commerce and Cultural Tourism
C. Industry - Manufacturing, film, music, Technology, Autos D. Agriculture E. Infra-Structure Development – Transportation, Railways, Airports, Energy (solar, bio., geo-thermal, wind, water), Waste Management, Housing F. Marketplaces – Marketing and distribution of goods and services

2. Social Affairs A. Health - Allio-pathic, Wholistic. Herbs, Traditional African, Native American, Oriental and Indian Medicine. Coops, Clinics and other delivery systems B. Education – Developing African paradigms of pedagogy and learning modalities. Book Clubs, Study Groups. C. Family and Youth Development - Rites of Passage; Family forms; Youth Activities.

3. Governance
– Block Clubs, Town Halls, Interest groups
A. Council of Elders, Diplomatic Corps
B. Simba Wachanga, Panthers, New African Scouts
C. Pan African News Serivce - Propoganda/Communications Networks become and Shield and Spear weapon and tool of effective governance.
D. National Formations – NAACP, NAAC, Urban League, CBC, NBUF, Fraternities, Professional Assoc.
E. Pan African formations – CAP, PADU, WADU, UNIA, AU
F. UN – Bringing Self-determination, Tribal, Reparations and Human Rights violation issues before this body.

4. Spiritual Development
A. Using Ma’at and Nguzo Saba as fundamental basis for Ethical and Ecumenical Approaches which recognize and respect Yoruba, Christian, Black Hebrew, Islam, Dogon, Zulu, etc.

5. History A. Historiography – Corrective History, Managing Images

6. Cultural Production and Enrichment -
Poetry, Art, Music, Theater, Film, Dance, Fashion Design, Sport, Technology Entertainment (Cultural Theme Parks, Festivals) and their role, relevance and function in community building.

7. Ethos A. Psychological healing from effects of enslavement and colonialism. B. Building positive self images, modeling C. Re-enforcing gestures and rituals, which create allegiene to our task of building a New African indentity and activities for rebuilding positive African self-concept. a. Oath of Allegeince; Taamuli for Newborn Children; Nubian Daily Exercise Ritual; Pan African National Song, and Poem (Poem would be year to year); Motto, etc.

8. Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Forum
This is a key forum which provides not only for exchange of ideas and projects in these respective areas, but also inspires multi-disciplenary and comprehensive planning and strategies which aid and assist the African Community builidng processes.

I. Establishing Trade and Commerce Missions (Africa, New Africa, Caribbean)
II. Revenue and Funding Sources – Dues, Foundations, Investment Clubs/corporations, IMF, UN, taxes
III. Infra-structure Building – Garvey’s notion of building in every industry combined with Booker T’s trade skills training.
IV. Expansion of Cultural and Economic Trade and Exchange
V. Modernization of Agricultural Production/Distribution among African peoples
VI. Systematic and Strategic, Transfer and Exchange of Knowledge, Technology and Science between/among Continental and Diasporan Africans
VII. Dynamic Development Strategies and Methods – Triangular (Africa, New Africa, Caribbean); Square (inclusive of African ex-patriates)

1. Establishing Trade and Commerce Missions (Africa, New Africa, Caribbean)
A. Determining which industries are most attractive to and marketable for African/Diasporan people; e.g. Fashion Industry(African centered designs, textiles, clothing outlets) tourism, agriculture, herbology, sustainable housing Construction (Esp. African centered architecture designs)
.B. Decide where to place each industrial center/plant in order to maximize production and distribution of the designated commodities.
C. Determining the most efficient trade/commerce/transportation routes to get products to market, and which are for export and which need to be imported.
D. Given the above factors, price schedules must be established which allow for affordability, but also enough profit to make the industry sustainable over time/circumstances (market conditions, weather/climate changes competition.
E. Economic Intelligence – defense and development.
F. Determining the best places to begin building African Marketplaces, which would also house museums, learning centers, theaters, Community Administrative centers (Council of Elders, youth/Simba Corps, Cultural/Convention Center, Communication and Response Teams
.G. Training centers for the various trades or a trade college/university

2. Revenue and Funding Sources
A. dues, taxes, IMF, Foundations, grants, donations, charitiesB. The key difference is that these funds will not go to corrupt politicians or civil servants, but will be allocated and administrated by a Foundation, with a Pan African Board of Directors which will determine which projects get funded based on need; how, when, where, and by what means.
C. We propose that any Reparations which comes in monetary form also be allocated through such Foundation, or Foundation approved sources.
D. Immedidate debt relief for African and Caribbean Countries and people of African descent, as part of a reparations package

3. Infra Structure Building
A. Transportation – Cross continental Rail System, Modernized air transport system, commercial shipping fleet, trucking system. Roads which facilitate commerce and tourism trade.
B. Sustainable Energy – water (waterfalls, reservoirs, ocean, stream), wind, methanol-ethanol, Solar, Bio-Thermal, which all link up with a continental energy grid.
C. Indigenous Sustainable Sanitation Systems and Water purificationD. Indigenous Communications Systems with the ability to link up with Global systemsE. Reduction of and Penalties for Toxic Waste caused by foreign and/or domestic corporations.

4. Expansion of Cultural and Economic Trade an Exchange
A. Exhibition and Preservation of African People artistic heritage and the progressive character of its culture – Museums, Festivals Seminars, Performing Arts Shows
1) As African people enter into this Renaissance era and new stage of development , new rules of engagement must be designed to enter into the global economy. It is mandatory that institutions are built which preserve the integrity of African and Diasporan art forms, languages, systems of thought (Dogon, Maat, Ifa, Akhan, Zulu, Masai, etc.) and cultural traditions, such as Council of Elders, Rites of Passage, Cooperative Economics, Extended Family, Reverence for Nature and the Spiritual Quest for Oneness with a God Force. These defining elements of African life and culture must not be lost or compromised at the expense of modernization and/or development.
2) Recognition that Africa Culture is one of Africa’s most important , if not the most important exports. It has played a dominant role in the American, South American, Caribbean, and Australian cultures, and now even in faraway places such as Japan. African culture has economic and human value. Thus, it must be packaged to represent the best of what Africa was, is and has the possibility to become, though, it should not just be viewed as a commodity, rather, an expression of who we are as a People in the forward flow of human progress.B. Employment of Culture in our Collective Struggle for Human Liberation and Transformation
1) Culture must provide the foundation for our:
(a) Identity – who we are, based on our historical Personality as a people
(b)Purpose – based on who we are, what our role and responsibility is in relationship to elevating the quality of life of our people, creating human progress, and transforming society to reflect the best of who we are as Africans and humans.
(c) Direction – the means we choose to achieve the above. To engage in the struggle to define, defend and develop ourselves as African, Pan Africanists and humans. The process(es) of Social Transformation which allows the human personality to realize its fullest potential, and creates a social context which allows for human flourishing.
2) Definition of a Black Aesthetic which gives Black/African art its distinction and unique qualities as an art form.
3) African and African centered Culture is our most valuable product and therefore, must not only be preserved, but promoted among our own people in our quest to regain our historical personality, and overcome the Post Traumatic Shock of Enslavement.
C. Culture as Economic Stimulus for Africa and Diaspora
1) Gain economic dominance in those areas of Culture where we can gain a measure of control, i.e.
(a) African centered Fashion Design, tailoring, textiles, haberdashery, millinery
(b) Control of Music Production, distribution and promotion
( c) African Centered Architectural Design
(d) Sports and Entertainment personalities donating to Foundations engaged in Sustainable Development policy, programs and projects.
(e) More exchange between and among African (Nigerian, Ghanaian, Senegalese) and New African filmmakers; building community theaters.(f) Encouraging youth to become more inventive and innovative in technology and teaching modalities, particularly in Black schools.

5. Modernization of Agricultural Production among African people is mandatory, while Preserving the quality of Rural, Social and Cultural Life
.A. Low Carbon foods are healthier/while balance must be struck with export/import crops.
B. Irrigation systems must be installed and maintained, esp. in arid and dry areas.
C. Basis for industry-wide growth as Garvey called for; feeding into grocery markets and restaurant chains; developing food and herb coops; Holistic Health Coops and delivery systems which service underserved communities.D. Methodologies which ensure that African Mineral Wealth benefits indigenous people. Corruption must be challenged and rooted out, and replaced by a system which allows re-distribution of wealth on a level of parity. Quatar and Kuwait might serve as models.

6. Transfer and Exchange of Knowledge, Technology and Science between and among Continental Africans and Diasporans – A. Each sector of the African World (Continental Africans, African Americans, African ex-patriates, Caribbeans, Brazilians, Africans in Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, and the rest of Diaspora) must seek methodologies and modalities whereby Science, Knowledge and Technology will be used for human good and progress from an African Worldview, which puts humanity, and Human Good at the center. Emphasis on establishing consortiums, economic clubs, Coops, Conferences and strive to build Pan African Universities which can encourage inventions, study of African languages, architecture, science, Math, Governance, and requirements for re-structuring civil society.

7. Dynamic Development Strategies and Methods –
A. Revolution, as a social phenomena, should never be limited to just struggle from physical bondage, but is inclusive of economic, political and psychological liberation also. Sustainable development strategies and methodologies must be cognizant of this fact, while seeking ways and means of empowering the disenfranchised (peasants, workers and people of color). In this millineum, in todays’ world, Sustainable Development is the sine qua non of today’s revolutionary process. Sloganizing, theorizing nor repeating ideological formulations will no longer suffice as substitutes for designing ways in which we satisfy human need. The degree to which ideologies, theories and slogans contribute to human growth and flourishing, i.e. Sustainable Development, is the new criteria for their validity. Now is the time to make the world we only imagined 60 years ago.


1. Land Development
2. Community Planning
3. Housing - African centered Design and Architecture
4. Infra-Structure Planning and Development
a. Water
b. Energy and Power
c. Waste Management
d. Transportation and Road Construction and Maintenance
5. Education
6. Cultural Production and Preservation of Artistic Skills and Capacity
7. Media
8. Public Relations
9. Finance
10. Marketplace Administration - Design and Operations
11. Environment and Food Security
12. Collective Concern
13. Spiritual Ministry
14. Historian and Archives

Key Assignments and Functions for Presidents, Organizational Heads, or Tribal Chiefs' Staff

1. Chief of Staff - Coordinates between and among Ministries, and is Chiefs Liaison to Ministry Heads
2. Scribe
3. Treasurer
4. Information and Intelligence
5. Security
6. Diplomatic Corps - Outreach
7. Procedures and Protocol Chief
8. Communications, Technology and Propoganda

Suggested Community Building Structure:
1. Council of Elders – See Maaskelah Thomas’ Book on organization, function and structure. Council must certify all Executive staff. One of committees out of Council will be responsible for the Shield and Spear Forces.
2. Secretariat – Made up of Committee Heads, 2 Representatives of each country and or region inhabited by People of African Descent
3. General Assembly – Each Organization has one vote, and a designated number of at-large votes to be permitted.
4. National Conferences – Anually, Bi-anually
5. Regional Conferences – Suggested quarterly
6. Municipal – Town Halls
7. Block Clubs – Should explore making participation mandatory at this level with a reward/punitive




1. Operational Unity - i.e. Unity in Diversity
2. Recognition and Exercise of our Sovereign Rights as African People
We have the right to define our identity, interests, and destiny without interference from others, and only we can chart our path, policies and programs which will determine our future as a free, proud and productive people.
3. Self Determination to define, defend and develop our own Path of Industrialization and/or Modernation in Africa which cannot be modeled after Europe's model. It is mandatory that Africa chart it's own course to modernization using African models and paradigms. Also, it is important that Africa's social, cultural, and spiritual institutions keep pace with any development. As railroads, other forms of transportation grow, it creates mobility which can have a devastating effect on village and cultural life. It is important that basic value structures are preserved, as villages and communities space and ensure African peoples' future.
4. Harnessing and Direction of our Collective Resources toward African Liberation Globally
5. Taking a Comprehensive Approach and Strategy towards Pro-actively resolving the myriad of Issues we need to address as a People (History, Spirituality/Religion, Political Organization, Economic Organiztion, Social Organization, Creative Production {Art, Literature, Technology,Music, Poetry, etc.}) and Ethos.
6. That our Tactical Modalities be Multi-dimensional in Scope and Content (Science, Governance, Trade & Commerce, Engineering, Health, Transportation, Education,etc.)
7. While we respect and appreciate varied belief systems existing in differenct sectors our Community, the foundational and over-arching value systems upon which an Harambee Cultural Revolution is based, are from Ma'at and the Nguzo Saba (The Seven Principles). In concept, Harambee's Cultural Revolutionary approach is that we not subscribe to any one ideology, but that we engage and commune with all relevant ideologies, and choose the best from all to pursue our selected goals, objectives and aspirations. Harambee's philosophical approach does not seek to duplicate current organizations belief systems, but seeks to appeal to as wide a variety of sectors in our Pan African Community and to promote and advocate for their respective interests as they contribute to the building of a Pan African Village/Community. In this regard, Harambee hopes to serve as and provide models and paradigms for other Pan African organizational efforts


To represent the collective interests of all African People in the Global Marketplace, and to engage African people in business and development enterprises, which reflect African values, goals and aspirations as component parts of Global Community.


The Harambee Plan is designed to facilitate and protect the territorial and cultural integrity of the continent of Africa, and to define the substantive relationships between it, and its African Communities globally (diaspora). Residual vestiges of European and Western domination, exploitation and influences must be challenged, and the re-emergence of indigenous African solutions and approaches must be pursued and sought. It is the intent of the Harambee Plan to provide the institutional framework and structure to ensure and facilitate such a process. The Harambee Plan shall form relationships with persons and institutions which represent the values of African Community building in their development approaches for the African continent and diaspora. While Harambee will focus on African models and paradigms of Community/Nation Building, this is not at the total exclusion of other approaches, but does so with the recognition that their is a rich tradition in African Civilization which still requires exploration, and which inspires African Creative Genious. It is this creativity which Harambee Recognition seeks to penetrate and realize. The values which form the basis of this nexus are:
1. Respect for and Priority of the Human Interests
2. Respect for and Recognition as Spiritual Stewards of Nature, the Land and its Resources
3. Recognition of Health Care and Basic Education as Fundamental human rights
4. Fundamental Goal of Social Economy is economic equality which negates economic exploitation
5. In African Community, African values and ethics are Paramount, though we Respect and Recognize others.
6. African Creativity and Spirituality form a Synergy in how they are expressed in our culture
7. The Emerging African Personality does not seek to be Superior, but Supreme African in its Character and Expressions, as a value based proto-type.


There are basically two ways to become a part of the Harambee Family:
1. Person - One who has an invention, small business and seeks to become a part of the skills bank of Harambee Enterprises. Persons and/or groups can act as Consultants or Project Managers on any given projects
2. Institution - This would be a business, community institution and/or entity which subscribes to the Harambee Protocols, and which chooses to enter into an agreement, to partner on given projects as mutually agreed upon.

A database will be formed of such persons and institutions and determination made which have the needed and available resources to impact given projects as they arise. What will distinguish Harambee Consultants is not only their professionalism, proficiency, and ability, but their value orientation.
Harambee will also become clearinghouse for the authenticity and quality of goods and services which enter and exit the African Marketplace.


The House of Harambee is a communitarian concept, which means "Let' All Pull Together" in Swahili. We use this term because it captures the spirit of building family, community and nationhood in this Era of African Renaissance. African Renaissance is a term which refers to the period between 2011 and 2020, generally and it is the aim of the House of Harambee to qualify its meaning and significance, and to define in practical ways the parameters of the Renaissance Movement. As such, the House of Harambee (HOH) is a Think Tank which provides research and education which inform the formulation and promotion of policy, programs and projects which are based on fundamental and basic African values. Some of these values are to be found in the Kwanzaa Accords and are known by many, as the Seven Principles (Nguzo Saba); Unity, Self Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity and Faith. Another set of values which form the foundation for the House of Harambee is the value system of Ma'at, which served as the social, moral, ethical, economic, political, cultural and spiritual foundation for the longest lasting civilization in history, Ancient Kemet (Egypt). These values are known as the Seven Virtues of Ma'at; Truth, Justice, Harmony, Balance, Order, Propriety, and Reciprocity.
Values matter in this context, as they form the basis upon which social policy is determined and as African and African descended people, we can no longer afford to base our social policy considerations on the "values" of those who seek to oppress, exploit or are otherwise indifferent to our collective needs, interests and aspirations as National and/or Pan African Communities. Thus, Harambee is a Liberational Project, which recognizes that if Renaissance goals are to be achieved, then we must engage in the cultural battle to win the hearts and minds of our people, first, for until we win that battle, not only are our economic and political objectives unachievable, they are unthinkable, without the categories and concepts to conceive them. The value systems above, and the others which we engage, give us the paradigmatic framework to meet these cultural challenges as we collectively seek to arrive at solutions, strategies, tactics, policies, programs and projects which advance our struggle forward to more progressive and final end.
In this regard, Harambee does not limit itself to just becoming a Think Tank, but also will take a pro-active posture of being an advocate and promoter for its' policy and strategic positions. This will be accomplished through our strategic partnerships with such groups as the Congress of African People, Friends of the African Union, African Scientific Institute, Urban Tech Fair, AJ Action Team, Simba Ghana, Yedma of Uganda, African Union, Sankofa Press, Harambee Women,Harambee Men, Harambee Youth (these three form Harambee Circles) and other affiliates with whom we share a common vision. While these will be vital institutions by which our research and educational findings will be disseminated, the following will be key and distinct areas of focus which formulate the Harambee Plan:


1. Spiritual Development - Research into various African spiritual/religious traditions and those derived from them. Study will be done on the value/ethical base and system, fundamental practices, and rituals. This knowledge will be taught in Rites of Passage, in addition to the role of spirituality in dance, song, storytelling, drumming, etc. This component will also be charged with researching, institutionalizing and promotion of re-enforcing cultural institutions such as holidays, naming ceremonies, Birth Whispers, funerary services, Rites ceremonies and protocols, morning/evening exercise, Fasting/Health days and practices, Puberty Rites, etc.

2. History - Study of methodologies to write corrected history; historiography; preserve archives, and the building of museums and libraries. Use of multi-media sources to discuss and disseminate Pan African History, and to promote this history in Theater, Film, Song, Storytelling, Radio, Dance and other communication instruments. These endeavors can form the basis of new industries. A true history of African history must be fully integrated into the educational system, such that parents and children benefit equally.

3. Social Organization
A. Education - Study into various forms of African pedagogy and teaching modalities (dance, song, storytelling, theater, drum); expanding and refining the study of Africology and teaching its concepts in distance/virtual learning; developing content and a more conceptual basis for Black/Africana Studies program; means of establishing Pan African universities and accreditation system, recognized on a global level. Feeder (K-12) schools, called Academy's will have specialized focus in STEM, Natural Healing, Communications, etc. Physical conditioning will include organized sports, yoga, capoeira, martial arts, nutrition, and weight training. Key to education is to discover indigenous forms of instruction which provide viable alternatives to Euro-centric forms, and which are more adapted to our learning capacities. Each of these modalities can and will be linked and channeled into the International Movement to bring literacy to all corners of the globe, based on our experience with African children and adults.
B. Health - We must explore health care delivery systems which are adapted to the needs of our people and their respective communities. Clinics for rural areas, and Coops for urban centers should be coordinated and linked with each other. A key distinction and value orientation of African Health Care is that it is people centered and not profit motivated. Health care is a right and not a privilege, and therefore ways should be found to make it free where possible, and where not free, at least affordable. The goal is for free universal health care. Study and research should be done of African herbs, plants and botanicals for their medicinal value, along with their interactions with each other and known drugs where Integrative Medicine is required. Comparative studies should be done with other indigenous and wholistic systems, such as Oriental, Native American, Ayervedic, etc. Plants must be tested for medicinal value, before any reforestation processes are initiated. New industries include herbs and botanical farming especially for such herbs as Moringa, Neem, etc. Multi-media will be used to build a global market for these new industries, as dependence on Western drugs are reduced.
C. Collective Concern - We must develop our own systems for caring for the disadvantaged, sick, autistic, and those not a part of the economy yet. A guiding principle and value in this regard must be that everyone in community has a role and function, and most look to contribute in some meaningful and humane way. Noone in African community is considered to be a Welfare recipient. Each are valuable to the building of Community. Again, traditional paradigms can serve as a model.
D. Rebuilding Family Structures - Research must be done into family forms, and how to build support structures for them to be/become successful. Family must be linked to community and nation building projects. An integral part of rebuilding family is to research ways and means of personal healing by both Men and Women, and to aggressively address Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome (PTSS). Our healers must receive specialty training to address this Mass phenomena. A key therapeudic model to explore, is that all become actively engaged in community building and Adult Rites of Passage.
E. Youth Development - Providing youth with a quality childhood and preparing them to become responsible participants in Civil Society is one of our greatest challenges. While paradigms from traditional African society will be helpful, we must incorporate a Standardized Rights of Passage which can be applied throughout the Pan African Community, and which allows for social movement from one location to another, without loss of benefits and production. Certain principles of Rights of Passage must be institutionalized as part of the Curriculum. In exchange for Free or reduced rate for education, youth can agree to become trained for Crisis Intervention, Recovery and Rebuilding. Alternatives can be explored by being trained for survival training, working with infirmed Elderly, small children or other forms of National Service (Nigeria has such a system for study).
F. Labor - Modern society, whether industrial or agrarian, must address the question of labor's relationship to production and provide equitable policies which mitigate against the possibility of exploitation of one class by another. This will be be one of the great challenges of the African Renaissance, if it is to live out the true and real meaning of its goals. In a class based society, the idea that the market will balance these relationships is totally erroneous, and is an area for serious research and remedies as we seek to build a new social order for people of African Descent.
G. Gender - While certain of these areas of concern might be addressed in Family Development, family is not a remedy or solution for many, most gender issues. Africa has one of the longest traditions of inclusiveness of women in the social fabric. These traditions has been interrupted by the Holocost of Enslavement and the onslaught of Western Cultural Hegemony. Again, the challenge of our research would look into paradigms in our path which would be instructive in how we structure our social relations based on equity, complimentarity, mutuality and respect for each persons Role and Function in building Family, Community, Nation, and Global Pan Africanism.

4. Economic Organization and Development - This area deals with how we organize the production and distribution of goods and services in our communities in such a way that such a structural format reflects our values, goals and social objectives. Cooperative Economics, not Free Market Enterprise, is the value which guides economic arrangements in our community, and is based on the notions, that we are our brother and sisters' keeper, that we support our own businesses first, and that we practice social entrepreneurship. As evidenced by the African Union's 2063 Agenda. There is also a value for Planning our economic platforms far in advance in order to guide its direction in the interest of the mass number of people. Africa's long tradition for Communitarian ownership of land must also be studied, updated and upgrated to comply with current aspiration and need. It is the aim of Harambee to confront these issues from an African centered perspective and framework. Cheik Ante Diop in his seminal work, "Black Africa: Economic and Cultural Basis of a Federated State", states conclusively, the need to take inventory of every Economic Sector, and to critically assess its best locale, role and function in the impending industrialization process, and the cultural nuances which affect each sector. He also posits, that we must be clearly aware of caveats for given sectors, such as oils spills, and disposal of nuclear waste. Given the creativity of the African personality, as Fanon points out, each of these economic sectors have the possibility of giving rise for other forms of industry. These Economic Sectors include the following:
1. Construction - Africanized Architecture
2. Planning - New Community Structures
3. Energy - Solar, Wind, Bio, hydro thermal
4. Waste Management - Recycling
5. Creative Production - African Theater, Art, Photography, Film, Storytelling, Dance, Drum, Music, Spoken Word, Sport, Competitive STEM
6. Communications
7. Aeronautics - including Space Stations, Airplane building
8. Auto Industry
9. Fashion - Sankofa Concept Themes (Natural hair, henna, waistbeads, african adornments, body and beauty care, Dress)
10. Transportation
11. Road and Bridge Building
12. Marketing/Advertising
13. Finance - Banking, Currency, Stock Exchange
14. Agriculture - organic; herbal medicinals; botanicals.
15. Textiles
16. Manufacturing

5. Political Organization and Governance - Politics is defined as the means and structure by which society gains, maintains and uses power. Governance, on the other hand, is more about how the management of human, financial and material resources are structured in a given society in the best interests of the masses of people. Harambee asserts that we must determine how we best transition from one to the other. Rev. Dr. Nikita Imani has provided the best model for this process in his book on Mbongi ( , a Governance system practiced by a large segment of Bantu peoples traditionally. The challenge of Harambee is to research this and other systems and find ways to adapt them to our needs, and then ways of implementation in a manner consistent with our collective aspirations.

6. Creative Production - This area has a particular role and relevance in the Renaissance Movement, as it heightens awareness and consciousness, entertains, involves people in cultural enrichment, provides propoganda for political objectives, and promotes essential values and ethics of the Community. Cultural Production is the main transmitter of values throughout all social sectors. Study and Research should focus on how artists make art for the people, by the people, and of the people, i.e. functional, collective and committing. The key sectors of this category are listed above. Consultants in this area, should be able to represent and advance knowledge of artistic expression, value orientation and spiritual upliftment.

7. Ethos - The goal and task of Harambee is to fully integrate all dimensions of our society in order that they work together as an integrated whole, as they too, reflect the essential value parameters which define African society and community. In order to achieve these goals and aspirations, education must become the defining characteristic of the African personality. "Seeking knowledge is the Sankofa Journey we take in acquiring the Wisdom and Essence of our Ancestors". In this context, several key factors will define the Harambee Approach to research and knowledge acquisition:
1. Unification and Uniqueness of the diverse African Cultures
2. Comprehensive Evaluation of all key and relevant factors
3. Multi-dimensional approach, which assesses component factor from a specialty perspective
4. Integrative - once evaluations and assessments are made, then determination is made on how to integrate all dimensions into an integrative whole, which will define New African Society in the Renaissance Era.

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