Greetings Family,
I write this to you, The Youth and Students of the Ferguson and, now, Baltimore Movements for Social Justice, at the request of Hershel Daniels Junior., Chair, Friends of the African Union. He agreed with, and liked most of the points made in the 2014 Letter, but was visibly affected by the reference to the promise made there, that we, of our generation, were working on leaving a legacy of Capacity Building and Structural Formations, such that the next generation, you, would have something of substance to build on, other than just empty rhetoric and briefcases.
Before doing the update though, please allow me to review in summation some of the points made in the first Open Letter, which may be relevant here:
1. We, again, offer our most deepest and profound condolences to the Family of Michael Brown, but would also like to expand them to reach out to the families of those who have been unjustifiably killed since, at the hands of or in custody of the States police forces. The emotions felt around the Tamir Rice, Walter Scott and Sandra Brand cases.are still fresh in our collective memories.
2. Each unjustified death in our community, at the hands of the State's agents leaves a void, as we are again, robbed of the potential contribution which could have been made to the building of our community by that lost member.
3. America has a history of extending rights, while at the same time denying and impeding the exercise of those rights, especially, when they don't serve the interests of the ruling/race class. Law is manipulated by the ruling elite.
4. Your organizing efforts in Ferguson and Beyond have now, placed you in the tradition of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Fannie Lou Hamer, Ida B. Wells, WEB DuBois, and Marcus Garvey and the fight for Human Rights, Self Determination, and Human Dignity. You achieved national and world wide acclaim for your organizing efforts in Ferguson, and the disciplined manner in which carried them out.
5. Your Movement was built and based on sound organizing Principles of Truth, Justice, Self Determination, Peace, Unity, Power and Security. In doing so, you represented the best of what it means and meant to be African/Black and Human in the World, and in the process made your Ancestors and Elders proud.
6. The Ferguson Movement of Justice for Michael Brown, revealed the critical contradictions in the American system of jurisprudence. We must never forget, and be a constant reminder to the powers that be, that many of the "Founding Fathers" and "Framers of the Constitution", while talking about Liberty, where also slave owners and inflicted some of the greatest cruelty on women in Human History.
7. Your Movement was not just a clarion cry for Justice, but because of the lack of redress in many of the cases where blacks are killed at the hands of the States agents, many people in our community began to look at formulating our own internal security systems, establishing our own education institutions in which we control the process and content, and most of all, people began looking seriously at Nationhood and Nation Building Strategies for which we have a legitimate right to pursue as a Self Determined People.
One of the things which I think it is important to point out here, as a political science student and analyst, when Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation it has remained just a document stating that African people could no longer be enslaved according to law. Let's remember, that 200,000 Black soldiers fought on the Union side in the Civil War. Thus, our freedom wasn't given to us, we fought and died for it, and yet, we were never party to any terms of surrender, and/or how Freed Blacks would now be reintegrated and assimilated into the fabric of society. And though 150 years have passed, we, as Jews and Japanese in WWII, never been issued Reparations due us. That is the first debt America must pay, as it is well overdue, and interest is compounding daily. We demand immediate payment of this past, overdue debt. Hershel Daniels Junior. as Chair of the Friends of the African Union (FAU), and Queen Mother Dr.Deloris Blakely Phd., of the New Futures Foundation (NFF), have issued an invoice to the POTUS in the amount of $5T, along with a statement of how such funds would be used in the building of Civil Society in and throughout our communities. An October date has been given as a deadline. We state this here, because it is your work which has been partly responsible for any positive results which are achieved.
Also, we promised in the first Open Letter to build the structural capacity for your generation to continue to grow and to flourish as you pursue this Movement for Social Justice. In this regard, the FAU has begun to build the structural formation to have an organic relationship with our Motherland, Africa, through the already formed structure of the Fihankra Tribe. This tribe was designated in 1994 to be the tribe which all descendants of the African Slave Trade could belong to, and land was actually allocated for those wishing to repatriate to Africa. Thus, nearly 270M African descendant people in the Diaspora are eligible to be members of the Fihankra Tribe making us the largest tribe of Africans on the planet. This tribal designation is a key element in our demand for and exercise of our inalienable right to Self Determination, meaning the right to determine our own destiny as a people, and that noone has the right to try to impose their will on us, as a community of people. Furthermore, as a matter of governance, the FAU has designed a structure which can unite all the African descended people in the diaspora under one umbrella. This umbrella would be called a Commonwealth, and structurally would fall under the auspices of the Fihankra Tribe, which is a cultural designation. The Commonwealth would be made up the Congresses formed in each respective country where African descendant people habitate. The Peoples Congresses would be made up of Council of Elders, Queen Mothers, professional associations, unions, youth, women, men, community groups, politicians, businesses, etc. The Congresses would have policy making, and program implementing authority at the national, regional and local level. In this scenario, Columbia, with its 15M African people, would have its own Congress within the Commonwealth, Brazil, with its 120M African people would have its own Congress within the Commonwealth, the US with its 55M, Canada, UK, France, Australia, and even India, with its 200K. The Commonwealth would create an African natural capital accounting system which would involve developing green GDP indicators that take into account the economic value of natural resources, biodiversity and other natural good and services, like soil and fresh water in a sustainable environment. This is just for starters. Also, the FAU has established a Global African Chamber of Commerce, where, based on our status as an official African Tribe, we set up our own Trade policies, Trade Routes and build our own markets, independently or interdependently, as we choose, according to our interests as African people. This institution alone, will change the quality of life for many of our people as it will be an industry and job builder for the masses of our people.
FAU Chairman, Hershel Daniels Junior. is a 2013 member of the African Scientific Institute, and one of its 800 plus Fellows. One of the Founding members of ASI, is Engineer, Lee Cherry, who is the current Chair of the African Scientific Institute (ASI), which has 15,000 members worldwide, 800 Distinguished Fellows and 674 patents, in a wide range of fields, ready for market. As ASI is a sister organization to the FAU, its patents form a patent pool around a patent owned by the FAU, which solves 3 problem areas for African development, waste management, energy and water purification. With the energy provided to a number of African countries, Africa will wind up with State of the Art Communications systems which will allow for expansion of Trade and Commerce, Communications, Virtual Education, Job Training and Cultural Advancement. With ASI being made up of Engineers, Scientists, Contractors, Planners, Architects, etc. we could be looking at the largest Transfer of Technology and Knowledge in history. In 2009, this writer wrote a paper which was presented at the ASLAH conference in Birmingham, in which I discussed the fact that scientists were pretty much left out of the movement since the 50's, and that if the movement was to transition from its singular focus on ideology to fundamentally addressing quality of life issues, we needed to introduce an the scientific community into the movement with their skills, critical thinking, and the ability to solve every days issues and challenges within our communities. This dilemma was resolved with my introduction to the FAU in 2013.
The comprehensiveness of this plan which can only be compared to the Marshall Plan after WWII in rebuilding Europe, extends also, in the financial arena. The FAU has been negotiating with officials in an Island Nation, to make it a Financial and Trade center, within the African sphere of influence. It will have the capacity to house an African Development Fund, and the ASI engineers can deepen its port to facilitate maritime trade between the Diaspora and Africa. To sweeten this prospect, The FAU has also engaged the services of two of the top Program Management and Accounting firms in the world, and they both see great possibilities in what has been proposed thus far.
There is more which could be shared, but for security purposes some things must be held in abeyance, until the right time to release certain information. All of this is the result of Strategic and tactical planning and some hard, difficult and long negotiations. The key element here, is to remain focused and to keep our eyes on the prize, and not to allow ourselves to get involved in the litany of impossibilities which those with arrested development from days gone by wither and wade in with their list of complaints with no real and viable solutions in sight. What is revealed to you above is what results by engaging the scientific sector of our community in the Nation Building and Community Development process. As stated in my first open letter, those of my generation wish to build something of value which your generation can build on in providing a Sustainable future for our children and yours. We now, challenge you to work with us, in building these institutional structures in order that you have something of worth to pass on to future generations of our people.
We may be experiencing the fall of an empire, but even in its ashes, we are intent on building a safe haven for our people in the USA and in African nations, by bringing $5T in QE5 based financing, based on a current estimate of African In Ground Asset value of at least $100T in 2015 USD. .
We, along with other progressive forces in the world, belong to the Rising Tide of History, and our Liberation will not only free us, but will bring the whole of humanity closer to full and final Liberation. Africa gave the world civilization, liberal arts, science, math, medicine, cultural appreciation. The qualities which allowed this to happen historically remain a part of our DNA. We challenge each and everyone to take the Sankofa Journey back to your African Personality, in order that we might create the world which our Ancestors envisio)ned for us, as they realized that we were the ones which we have been waiting for. As the Odu Ifa teaches us, we have come to bring good and righteousness back to the world. Let us unite together in common cause, focused on building for eternity, that we might live for eternity, and just as we call the names of our Ancient Ancestors, future generations, for hundreds and thousands of years, will likewise call our names. Let's join together, and be about the work.
Harambee!!!! ( Swahili, for "Let's all pull together). 72815
In Unity and Struggle,
Mwalimu Kabaila
Congress of African People
Friends of the African Union